







    I future, humaablished stable tact throughout the Galaxy.

    During a routiellar exploration, a team of humas discotterial egg of aoid spe Blue Star (Earth).

    The egg was carefully extrad brought back to Earth for research.

    H atally tacted radioactive hich r human nuergy researtained highly radioactive substances.

    The extraterrestrial egg begaiohe ihis radiation.

    The mutation quickly spread, and the inally d began to hatch a large ated extraterrestrial larvae, which quickly spread throughout the Earth aroying humahe e.

    They  spread through the air and ly, making it impossible for humans to es this disaster.

    The extraterrestrial larvae caused a series of catastrophits, such as the destru of buildihe collapse of the transportatiohe destru of agriculture, ahe overall collapse of the e.

    These disasters may cause Mass panifusion, and humans will have to face the tragic reality of losing their homes and living es.
新书推荐: 这只小草神是俺拾的嘞 快穿:社恐宿主她不干了 开局躲神避魔,原来我是大佬啊 逍遥尘世子 这是僵约,你是认真的吗? 致我未曾谋面的青春 破天战尊 消失的天堂?游戏开始! 皇帝宠臣?不,我一身反骨! 扶桑剑心图